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+212 06 16 47 59 55 Contact@smaratours.com



nature reserve in the province of Smara in the bed of Oued Selouane
The province of Es-Smara is located in the heart of the Saharan provinces, giving it a strategic role that has grown steadily in the recent past. It was an important milestone in the life of the caravan trade that flourished between the north of the Kingdom and the southwest of Africa and whose influence reached...
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Traditional leather goods in the province allow the making and ornamentation of items based on goat skins appreciated and used for their suppleness: cushions simple or embroidered (assermi), travel bags (tassoufra), snuff boxes, key rings, etc.Woodworking, craftsmen working and decorating wood mainly produce hollow dishes. Jewelry and precious metal craftsmanship are the fruit of the...
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Vestiges of pre and protohistoric cultures (Surface sites, lithic concentrations, and raw material deposits). When, while the lovely valley teems with The territory of Smara is scattered with pre and protohistoric surface sites. Three ecological and/or geological features determine the geographical distribution of these sites (Annex 1): Ancient plateaus and ridges (quartzites and sandstones) overlooking...
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